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Discovering new type of vulnerabilities affecting Graphical Processing Units

ECE and CSE Professor Nael Abu-Ghazaleh and his team, including Hoda Naghibijouybari and CSE Professor Zhiyun Qian, develop the first known side-channel attacks on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs).  The work demonstrated a number of attacks including fingerprinting the web browsing behavior of a user, and stealing passwords entered using the browser, as well as recovering secret machine learning models on GPUs on the cloud.  The paper was originally published in CCS 2018 and was recently recognized with a "Top picks in hardware and embedded security" designation at ICCAD.  The attack was responsibly disclosed to Nvidia, Arm and Intel, and resulted in a security bulletin and driver patch from Nvidia and Ubuntu Linux update.  The attack was listed in the National Institute of Standards and Technology National Vulnerability Database, with CVE-2018-6260, and received wide technical news coverage.