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New GAANN grant to support doctoral students

Riverside, Ca –

A team of faculty members from ECE received a three-year $895K GAANN grant from the Department of Education. The team comprises Ertem Tuncel (PI), Amit Roy-Chowdhury (Co-PI), Matt Barth (Co-PI), Nanpeng Yu (Co-PI), and Kostas Karydis (Co-PI). The GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) award is designed as a financial aid to fund domestic PhD students doing research in critical areas of national need.


The PIs’ research covers various aspects of the broad theme of renewing America’s infrastructure, from monitoring infrastructure using Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks, to automated transportation, to integration of camera networks with urban infrastructure, to high penetration of renewable energy into the electric grid, to monitoring critical infrastructure with heterogeneous teams of robots.